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About AleX

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  • Birthday 07/26/1991
  1. My questions

    Thank you for your answer but i still have questions I see some demo websites and it's looks very simple i mean this servers currently disabled donation/webshop/achievements pages I dont see bug tracker and where i can see example (with screens) about Promo Code system? CMS support multi server (multi db) and multi language? and do you have email msg template in HTML like DMN have? to edit the text and maybe to make cool design (with using images in email message tmp) ? Why you use Country field ? (and list is not full) and why using secret answer? it's useless for security purposes,for exanple i have reg page only with Accoun ID and Email fields Password will be generated and sent to user,password recovery only via Email, it's not hard to setup SMTP....if used secret answer it can provoke issues (if my old website not used secret answer) user cannot recover password because not have valid data.... or if was used mu core (MuCore use other questions) and if mucore (was used before) was selected Name of my pet?! your web have other questions so on password recovery it will ask from user to answer for different question - no?. What about account protection? if someone will find password of my account and will use my credits or will change the email? I recommend to use special security code (in popup window) valid for 10-30 minutes. if user want to use webshop/clear skils/reset Skill Three,Change email / e.,t.c - then to email will be send code to allow this action.user enter this code and can continue (it's useful for security purposes of important things) - why not?! P.S > maybe because of template but visually web looks like web with 5-10 modules (just imho)
  2. My questions

    Hello,i want to ask about some things 1) I'm not decided with hosting i have one but currently for test only (no anti ddos) if i will change it i need to buy new license oO? Same for domain name i have temporary one so i not decided about it 2) Do you make new features suggested by customers ? I ask because i have some cool ideas 3) where i can see live demo or when you will setup own demo