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Everything posted by Ragnaros

  1. New Release ETA?

    New Release ETA? Hi, Is this still under active development? Any plan when 1.1.0 will be available? Thx.
  2. New Release ETA?

    Thanks for all the answers so far. Does the CMS support AJAX or plans to implement it? Currently browsing different rankings or pages with subcategories, gives a strange experience (for me) as the page first loads, there's a split second of white page and then scroll jumps to the desired section, so 3 extra actions on how the end-user sees it. Would look more beautiful and give a feeling of faster content.
  3. Front-end access

    Front-end access I've read on RZ that templates cannot be modified and there are only a few parts that you can change as customer. Is that still true? If yes, what are the non-editable parts? Do we have access to at least CSS, HTML, JS files? If I want to code and implement my own design.
  4. New Release ETA?

    Cool. Will you make an Easter promo?