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Everything posted by Jabnez

  1. Questions before purchase First of all a greeting 1.- The web, for when it will be 100% compatible with season 14. 2.- The installation, they have a service but if I want to install myself, they could give me a guide 3.- The templates are totally adaptable, I can change images, add structures to the index, example that does not show raking in the index, but show me market. 4.- Check compatibility with my site: Throw the following Versión de ionCube Loader 10.2. PHP versión 5.6.31. Se ha cargado la extensión cURL. Controlador PDO - Extensión DbLib cargada. Controlador PDO: no tiene cargada la extensión Sqlsrv de PHP. Controlador PDO: no tiene cargada la extensión PHP ODBC. Extensión de MCrypt cargada. Extensión de GD cargada. Extensión de OpenSSL cargada. Extensión de sesión cargada. Extensión XML simple cargada. Extensión XML cargada. Extensión del lector XML cargada. Extensión del escritor XML cargada. Hosting es adecuado para ImperiaMuCMS. 5.- Do they support in Spanish? My question if it is compatible. The gold package includes all the modules. Now, the web supports the Spanish language. I do not refer to ADMINCP, but to the user's welcome index. I can not find the guides, I imagine it is buying the service. I see that they ask, url of the site, ip, and others. I would ask my provider. Excuse English, use a translator.
  2. Website work with Season 14?

    When it will be available at 100% for season 14. Something urgent is required. Thank you
  3. Website work with Season 14?

    It is already compatible with season 14 igcn