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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/03/2015 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    You will have to enter domain name, on what will be website running and IP address of server, where it will be hosted.
  2. 1 point
    You need to have at least one of those PDO drivers, so if you have only ODBC, it's enough. Only one driver is used, but you can choose which one.
  3. 1 point
    You will have to configure DNS of your domain and redirect it to IP of your hosting. Then you will have to configure virtual hosts in your apache. If you are using shared hosting, they will not allow you to edit PHP settings, so you will need personal VPS just for your website or find another hosting company, what will gives you full control over PHP settings and management of PHP extensions. In my opinion is not good to use shared hosting, because if you will need some specific PHP extension, you won't be able to edit PHP settings. My advice is to order some Unix/Windows VPS for some bucks (e.g. from OVH is Unix VPS 1,99 eur/month) and you will have full control over all stuff like apache, virtual hosts, PHP etc. Or you can host website on machine, where you will have server.
  4. 1 point
    Hi, not sure, if there will be any promotion in next weeks. Currently it's not possible to connect website with forum, but if you will want that feature, I can add it (it will be for free of course).
  5. 1 point
    Hello, here on website are written website requirements in Features & Information. But on the most shared website hosting are this php settings enabled. When you will start installation process, it will show you all requirements and if it will pass or not. And probably I will prepare simple php script what will check all your php settings so you will be 100% sure before purchase, if website will work or not. -- Update -- You can download simple PHP script from attachment and execute it on your hosting. You will see, if it's suitable for ImperiaMuCMS or not. If not, it will show you errors, so you can try to contact your provider to change PHP settings and/or install required extensions if it's shared hosting. If you have full control over your PHP settings and extensions, you can do it by yourself. imperiamucms_system_check.php
  6. 1 point
  7. 1 point
    Hello, Website can work on localhost, but also from remote server. Website was tested on latest XAMPP (5.6.3) and also on apache2 under ubuntu 15.04. There is a requirement for PHP 5.4, so make sure you have at least this version of PHP or newer. In customer section is a little installation guide, but if you will have problems with it, I can help you. Updates will be provided here on website as UPDATE, but also FULL PACKAGE will be always up to date. You will have access to download section after you will became customer. In AdminCP is also check for latest version, so you will see when new update will be available if you will not check this website. Currently there is no demo with latest version on what I am working, but you can check ObverseMU, but there are not some latest updates related to rankings and some other features. If you will have more questions, feel free to ask. Regards, jacubb